I Beat Meth, You can too!
I would like to share a very short introduction. My name is Teresa,
I'm a 33 year old wife and mother. I have lived in North Georgia
most all of my life. I'm a recovering meth addict and I have been
clean for almost 4 years. At the time I first started meth, I was a Girl Scout Cookie Mom, a wife, a homemaker, and worked part-time in website development.
In the beginning I tried Crystal Meth for weight loss. I was extremely over-weight and was desperate to try anything after many failed diets. I really wasn't into the drug scene. I drank some and tried marijuana as a teen, but never got into drug use. At first using crystal-meth was fun, so I did it all the time and I was losing the the weight fast! I was looking so
great, slimmer than I was in High School! But before too long I needed Meth to feel “normal” and needed it to function in my everyday life.
My addiction led me to leave my husband and 2 daughters, which at
the time were only toddlers -3 and 5 years old. I have missed 12 months of their lives because of my past addiction to meth. Those bonds are being mended everyday.
I became involved with my drug dealer and moved to Miami Beach
Florida to live the fun, and big life. I left all my friends and family
behind, I didn’t need them anymore. Crystal Meth was all I needed. My
new found friend and drug dealer assured me, that in Miami, Meth
flows like honey, and it’s not the crappy stuff they make here in the
mountains but it’s the “pure form” called “ICE”. My family was
terrified for my safety. They tried to help me, but did not know what
to do, I was so far away. I never cared or thought about how my
actions affected them, especially my daughters that were so young and
without a mother. I only cared about how I felt and getting that
next hit of Meth. I turned into a person that I never wanted to be, a person I hated and despised.
Before too long I became so depressed, I didn’t want to live any
longer. Most of my family had given up on me because I wouldn’t
return phone calls or come home to visit my daughters or family. (I hadn’t seen them in 6 months) I lived in a Penthouse 3 blocks from the beach…but rarely ventured out, because Meth had made me so paranoid that I feared of being arrested, and I thought people were out to kill me. This paranoia led me to stay in our penthouse for weeks at a time, becoming a hermit and never leaving. What kind of life is that?? I was suppose to be here living the ideal life in Miami Beach. Partying and having the time of my life! Meth paints a pretty picture in the beginning. It tricks you, lies to you. It’s very clever. That’s why it’s called the devil's drug. So instead of this ideal life in Miami Beach, I fear for my life everyday, I’m paranoid, suicidal, lonely and deep depression.
During my 8 month addiction I tried killing myself, and was admitted
to a rehab center in Florida, as soon as I got out, I went back to
using Crystal Meth (ICE) the most potent and addictive form of
Meth. I didn’t go home to see my children or family; I went back to the love of my life…Crystal Meth.
My final straw came one day after seeing something very terrible.
The image will stay in my mind for the rest of my life. Let me say this.
Miami is everything the movies and the news say it is. Top of the
chart in Crimes and Drugs. That day, I answered a phone call from
my 5 year old daughter. Her birthday was coming up, and I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, and she replied in tears, “I want my mommy to come home”. That did it. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t pack anything, and I just got on a plane with my wallet and the clothes on my back and flew home to Georgia. I never looked back. I didn’t even go back to get all my belongings that I had moved there in a U-haul. I wanted as far away as possible from Crystal Meth. I admitted myself to a detox center here in North GA, and have been 100% drug free ever since. I have turned to GOD as my higher power, and give all the credit of my recovery to prayers and my faith in GOD and the friends and family that DID NOT give up on me. You know which ones you are.
Thank you for loving me enough not to give up hope and continuing to pray. Most of all I thank my Merciful God for watching over me, loving me and protecting me when I came so many times near death.
Now I want to help fight the war against Methamphetamine. Every
time I see a news report or watch a show on meth, I get angry and
now I want to fight back. (One of the reason's for creating the
website www.anti-meth.org)
Today I live a happy, peaceful, drug-free life. My life has changed
100%. My morals, goals and outlook on life are opposite from where
they use to be - selfish, angry, suicidal and destructive, they are now
happiness, giving, helpful and positive. My dreams and goals are
coming true and my anger, sadness and hopelessness has
subsided. I am happily re-married to a wonderful, sweet & caring
man and have a wonderful family with my 2 daughters and 3 step-
children. I am a Soccer-Mom, Home schooling Mom and work part
time in my business designing websites.
I am presently on the committee for The White County Meth Task
Force (www.wcmethtaskforce.com) and plan to continue to
fight this war against drugs in our community. I don't dare think of
what my life would be like if I had not had the desire to live for the sake of my daughters, and became clean of Meth. I just thank God
every day that I am alive and free of the devil's drug METH.
I pray my story encourages or helps anyone that is struggling with
the addiction to Methamphetamine. I want you to know I didn't stop
this drug alone, I needed help. I found that help in God, treatment and in
myself. Also from my experiences, what I’ve witnessed, and
thinking of the people I love. This all helped me beat the addiction. I
want to say to all those reading this, DO NOT TO TRY IT, and if
you are using it, STOP. Get help, before it destroys you. I did it...
And you can too!
Teresa Jones – North Georgia
I Beat Meth, You can too!
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