The Fountain of Wisdom and Knowledge

This is a place to share addiction and recovery related web sites, books,
bible verses, and personal bits of wisdom...

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si-wiz said...

eXXit posts a daily three-minute Bible study to help porn strugglers stand strong and resist temptation. Some 1,500 past studies, searchable by word, phrase or Scripture reference, are also available on line. Visit this site for up-to-date helps for those with challenges in this area. You'll be blessed if you visit this site. Contact at:

si-wiz said...

Be Broken Ministries
Be Broken Ministries exists to bring the healing power of Jesus Christ into the lives of men (and women) who struggle with sexual sin. Be Broken was born out of Jonathan Daugherty's personal journey to freedom and the amazing story of how God restored his marriage after it seemed all hope was lost. The ministry provides help for strugglers as well as training seminars for church leaders to become better equipped to minister to congregation members who need help finding freedom. Visit to receive insight, encouragement, education, resources, and counseling from a biblical perspective. Contact Be Broken Ministries at:

si-wiz said...

Avenue Resource
AVENUE Resource, a Christ-centered nonprofit ministry, provides men and their families with the tools to experience healing and restoration from the impact of sexual compromise from pornography and other sexual addiction in a support group setting. To visit the site, click on

si-wiz said...

Harvest USA
Established in 1983, Harvest USA is a ministry of truth and love to those affected by pornography and homosexuality. We bring the clarity of God's Word and the power of Jesus Christ to bear on the issues of homosexuality and other sexual addictions as they powerfully impact individuals, families, churches, and institutions. We equip and empower men and women who wish to be free from homosexuality, pornography, and other sexual struggles. We offer spiritual and emotional support to families and friends affected by these issues. And we educate and train church leaders and laity relating to these critical issues in our day. Contact Harvest USA at:

si-wiz said...

L.I.F.E. Ministries International
L.I.F.E. (Living In Freedom Everyday) is a ministry that believes God wants all of his children free...walking in His unconditional love. This ministry involves men and women who have found the grace of God to live in lasting freedom from sexual impurity. Through the L.I.F.E. Support Group Program, they are learning how to repent, be restored, develop true intimacy and become fully devoted followers of Jesus.
Find out more at:

si-wiz said... - From Promise Keepers! Unfortunately, there's a "dark side" to the World Wide Web. A lot of inappropriate material can be easily accessed - or can appear on your screen without notice. You or your children could be exposed to pornographic, violent or godless material that you wouldn't otherwise choose to see. Guard Your Heart with, filtered Internet for the whole family. Find out more, or sign up online at:

si-wiz said...

Pure Life Ministries
Pure Life Ministries has been leading men into sexual purity since 1986 through their counseling programs and a vast array of teaching materials specifically designed to help men. They operate a six-month residential program in Kentucky, where men find lasting freedom through an encounter with the living God. The sobering atmosphere and the consecration of a loving staff provides the perfect environment for those who sincerely want victory over sexual sin. They also offer a 12-week At-Home Program for men who need help but cannot come to Kentucky. Pastors and men’s ministry leaders will find their teaching materials to be an invaluable resource in dealing with issues of sexual purity.

Be Strong and Very Courageous - Article by Steve Gallagher, President

Contact Pure Life Ministries at:

si-wiz said...

Exodus International
Exodus International is a worldwide network of ministries to men and women seeking freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ. We also have resources for family members, friends, pastors and counselors. Contact us for books, tapes, videos, newsletters, "ex-gay" testimonies, and a wealth of other resources. We have over 100 local counseling centers in North America. Contact Exodus International at:

si-wiz said...

Sex Addiction Learning Page, Dr. Michael Johnson, PHD

Sexual Addiction Self Test

About Sexual Addiction

The Origins of Sexual Addiction

Treatment of Sexual Addiction


Tools of Recovery

Recovery Slogans

12 Step and Other Links

The Wisdom of the 12 Steps

The Gifts of Feelings

Some Facts about the Sex Business

Expressions of sexual addiction may include...


From Shame to Grace Electronic Newsletter


si-wiz said...

Focus On The Family, Pure Intimacy - Understanding Intimacy
Disorder & Addictions

-Unresolved Family Trauma and Addiction
-Why Do People Become Addicts?
-How Do People Cope With Pain?
-What Do People Feel Inside?

-What Does an Addict Look Like?
-Signs of Trouble: Five Criteria for Addiction Assessment
-Marks of Addictive Sex
-Fatal Addiction: Ted Bundy's Final Interview

-Women & Woundedness
-Help for Female Addicts
-The Growth of Trouble: Q & A with a Female Addict

-Pornography & Lust
-Subtle Dangers of Pornography
-Can Intimacy be Found Online?
-Dangers and Disappointments of Pornography

-Redemption & Transformation

-Theology of Sexuality
-What does the Bible say about sexual wholeness, sexual brokenness, and transformation?

-Immediate Steps for Recovery
-Bold Next Steps
-How to Confess Your Sex Addiction

-Moving Forward Personally
-Dying to the Broken Self
-Repentance for Sexual Addiction
-Prayers and Meditations for Going Online

-Re-Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit
-The Three Levels of Sin
-The Iceberg Method to Understanding Intimacy Disorder
-Behind Sex Addiction is a Hunger for God

-Counseling & Accountability
-How to Develop Effective Accountability
-Common Barriers to Effective Accountability
-Problems with the Individual Approach to Recovery
-The Importance of Counseling
-Guidelines for Selecting a Counselor
-Common Barriers to Seeking Counseling

-Information for Spouses

-Immediate Steps
Confronting Your Spouse's Secret Sin
-A Checklist for Confronting Your Spouse
-What to Do When a Spouse Refuses Help

-Moving Forward Personally
-Discovering Pornography or Infidelity: A Letter to Injured Spouses
-The Journey toward Healing: A Letter to Injured Spouses

si-wiz said...

There is no doubt that someone else looking at this discussion board has experienced similar circumstances to yours and they can help.

Have you heard of the saying that it takes a village to raise a child? In the case of addictions and other problems, no one can overcome these trials without the help of other people and the awesome grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I truely believe that God works through all of us and that when you help someone else, they help to strengthen your faith and give healing to you as well. God is wonderful!